Dependent and Independent Students
A dependent student is one who receives substantial financial support from their parents or legal guardian. This means that a college or university in Virginia will consider your supporting parents' domicile to determine if you, as a dependent student, are eligible for in-state tuition or state financial aid programs.
If you are under the age of 24 on the first day of classes, a college or university will assume that you are a dependent student unless you are:
- Married
- A veteran or active-duty member of the U.S. armed forces
- A graduate or first-professional student*
- A ward of the court or were a ward of the court until age 18
- Without adoptive parents or legal guardians if both parents are deceased
- Have legal dependents other than a spouse.
*First-professional degrees represent a category of qualifications in professional subject areas that require students to have previously completed specified undergraduate coursework and/or degrees before enrolling. They are considered graduate-level programs in the U.S. system because the follow prior undergraduate studies, but they are in fact first degrees in these professional subjects.
If you are under the age of 24 and wish to be considered independent, then you must be able to demonstrate with clear and convincing evidence that your parents have:
- Surrendered right to your care, custody and earnings
- Do not claim you as a dependent on their federal or state income tax returns
- Have ceased to provide you with substantial financial support